FTATR is a Richmond, VA-based tribute to the biggest and best rock and roll band of all time, AC/DC! Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2003, AC/DC sold more than 200 million albums worldwide. Back in Black alone has sold more than 70 million copies and is currently the third best-selling album of all time!
AC/DC's legendary stage show revolves around the hyperactive duck-walking schoolboy guitarist Angus Young, and we deliver with guitarist Paul Pearce. A fan since he first heard Highway to Hell on an AM radio in 1979, Paul brings the rock with his Gibson SG and reverse duckwalk. Give the man some room! He likes to jump about, fall down and create chaos.
Covering the distinctive voices of Bon Scott and Brian Johnson is no small feat, and FTATR's Brian Lytle (aka Sideshow Bon) brings the growl and rocking blues power with a wink and a grin.
The rhythm section reins in the chaos with veteran players from the Richmond, VA scene: guitarist Jaime Lloyd (aka Mal), bassist Craig Lague (aka Cliff) and Phil. Just Phil. These lads are the anchor with the mojo that gets the crowd on their feet!
FTATR plays all the hits and fan favorites from the 1976 international release of Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap to 2020's Power Up - and a whole lotta rocking in between.